Inspired by the hands off approach of the mechanics in the Game of Life, Fall Foliage is a puzzle game where the player should try to get the highest score possible by transitioning as many leaves as they can to red, signaling a complete transition to Fall. More detailed instructions are in game. 

This was created for the Cozy Fall Jam 2023 with the theme of 'Less is More', the idea being that the game should be as hands off as possible in terms of player interaction (after the selection phase) to adhere to the theme. This is my first ever game jam submission, and the first time I'm trying out PhaserJS as a game engine. (Hacky) source code is linked if anyone wants to see it, and all art/music/code have been created by myself, with two exceptions:

  1. Falling for Autumn font
  2. Leaves Rustling SFX

I'm not an artist, nor really a musician, and while I am a software engineer, I am certainly not a game developer, but despite having very limited time this game jam has been fun and I look forward to playing other submissions, and participating in future jams!


Due to the nature of how I implemented the leaves rustling sfx, the sounds end up overlapping and can get a little loud (I apologize in advance). I also wish I found out about the 'button' class earlier, so the current version of the buttons are a little bland. I originally wanted to see if I can do the UI elements in React, which is why I created the project in React (Vite + Typescript), but it proved to be difficult and I deemed it too time consuming for this short Jam. Overall time spent on this game was probably ~15-18 hours (excluding ideation phase).


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um zu spielen, musste ich einen anderen browser verwenden, danach funktionierte es. hat etwas strategisches, das ich sehr mag :).